Student Data

Amplify’s subprocessors of Student Data are:

Amazon Web Services, Inc.Cloud hosting services
Blackboard, Inc.Video conferencing and attendance tracking for tutoring services
dbt Labs, Inc.Run database queries
Egnyte, Inc.Secure file exchange
Fivetran Inc.Data Ingestion / ETL
Global Grid for Learning, PBC.Secure rostering
Google LLCCloud hosting services
Google LLC (Looker)Data warehouse analytics
MongoDB, Inc.Database hosting for and Desmos Classroom
Snowflake, Inc.Database hosting
Twilio, Inc (Sendgrid)Email delivery for

This list may be periodically updated to the extent we contract with additional subprocessors, in all cases in accordance with our Customer Privacy Policy and with appropriate written agreements. 


Date of ChangeChangeNotes
June 14, 2024Removed Desmos Studio, PBC, Qualfon Data Services Group, LLC, and Zendesk, Inc.These partners and services are no longer used for customer support.
July 27, 2023Added Fivetran
September 15, 2022Corrected name of Desmos Studio, PBC.
July 21, 2022Added Desmos Collective LLC, Google, MongoDB, Twilio, and ZendeskThese services support and Desmos Classroom
July 20, 2022Added Qualfon Data Services Group, LLC
October 4, 2021Added Blackboard, Inc.
July 26, 2021Fishtown Analytics, Inc. renamed to dbt Labs, Inc.
June 17, 2021Updated with data warehousing and roster services providers
May 28, 2021Initial public posting.