Meet our hosts: Bethany Lockhart Johnson and Dan Meyer

Bethany Lockhart Johnson is an elementary school educator and author. Prior to serving as a multiple-subject teacher, she taught theater and dance, and now loves incorporating movement and creative play into her classroom. Bethany is committed to helping students find joy in discovering their identities as mathematicians. In addition to her role as a full-time classroom teacher, Bethany is a Student Achievement Partners California Core Advocate and is active in national and local mathematics organizations. Bethany is a member of the Illustrative Mathematics Elementary Curriculum Steering Committee and serves as a consultant, creating materials to support families during distance learning.

Dan Meyer taught high school math to students who didn’t like high school math. He has advocated for better math instruction on CNN, Good Morning America, Everyday With Rachel Ray, and He earned his doctorate from Stanford University in math education and is currently the Dean of Research at Desmos, where he explores the future of math, technology, and learning. Dan has worked with teachers internationally and in all 50 United States and was named one of Tech & Learning’s 30 Leaders of the Future. To hear more from Dan, check out his blog.

Meet our hosts: Bethany Lockhart Johnson and Dan Meyer

S6: Building math fluency

Tune in to Season 6 of Math Teacher Lounge! This season, we’re digging deep into math fluency—exploring what it is, looking into the research around it, and sharing practical tips for building it in math classrooms. Bethany Lockhart Johnson and Dan Meyer chat with leading experts to define what math fluency is, analyze how fluency benefits students, and explore how to engage students while continuing to build math fluency.

Listen to the final episode of Math Teacher Lounge! We’ll walk through the past 10 episodes on math fluency and pull out the key takeaways from our amazing hosts–such as tips on defining and assessing fluency, fluency development in a bilingual setting, and the potential pitfalls of relying too heavily on so-called fake fluency.

We’ll also talk about the future of the podcast and what’s next for us. Spanning six seasons, we’ve had the privilege of reaching thousands of educators while exploring a wide range of topics including the joy of math, math anxiety, and math fluency, featuring  Amplify’s Jason Zimba, Sesame Workshop’s Dr. Rosemarie Truglio, Reach Capital’s Jennifer Carolan, and Baltimore County Public Schools’ John W. Staley Ph.D.

We can’t wait to continue working on a host of other exciting projects this year, including webinars, conference appearances, and the 2024 Math Symposium. Listen to the finale of the Math Teacher Lounge podcast today, and keep an eye out for more!

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Tune in to Episode 10 of Math Teacher Lounge with math teaching and learning specialist and friend of the podcast, Fawn Nguyen. Listen as Nguyen dives into the unique and powerful relationship between math fluency and problem-solving, and learn about how problem-solving activities can be leveraged to engage all students and fuel math fluency development.

Looking for more free math content? Let student ideas take center stage with Desmos Classroom, a highly interactive teaching and learning platform with hundreds of free K–12 lessons, virtual manipulatives, and teaching tools.

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Join us for Episode 9, in which Bethany sits down with former classroom teacher Myuriel von Aspen to talk about the importance of a systematic approach to math fluency instruction. Listen as von Aspen discusses how effective fluency instruction takes students beyond fact memorization into deeper learning through mathematical discourse.

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Tune in to Episode 8, where we chat with guest and former grade 1 teacher, Jody Guarino, Ed.D., about how math teachers can collaborate to develop math fact fluency at the building level. Listen as Dr. Guarino talks about what it takes for schools to do this successfully, and her key takeaways from her own experience.

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Join Math Teacher Lounge as we continue our season-long discussion on math fluency with a special live recording at NCTM 2023. In this episode, our guest, Jennifer Bay-Williams, Ph.D., and Dan dive into math fluency games to discuss how we can bring joy into the classroom while building math fluency.

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Join us for Episode 6, where we discuss how to take an asset-based approach to building math fluency with John W. Staley, Ph.D., who has spent decades in math classrooms. In this episode Dr. Staley shares his experiences and research to provide strategies on how to utilize student strengths to encourage growth.

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Tune in to Episode 5 of this season, where we dive back into our season-long discussion of math fluency with classroom teacher Lauren Carr. Listen as Lauren shares how she allows her students to approach mathematical thinking and learning with joy and fun to foster the development of math fluency.

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Join us for a special episode of Math Teacher Lounge where we take a break from our focus on math fluency to talk with scholar and author Nicole M. Joseph, Ph.D. Tune in to this important conversation where Dr. Joseph shares her research and discusses how we can begin to uplift Black girls and empower them in our math classrooms.

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Tune in to the latest episode of Math Teacher Lounge where we learn how to intentionally foster fluency with Art Baroody, Ph.D. Listen as Baroody shares strategies on how to utilize a student’s natural problem-solving skills and desire to learn to build fluency.

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Join Math Teacher Lounge as we continue our season-long deep dive into math fluency. Tune in to our latest episode where we sat down with Valerie Henry, Ed.D. to discuss how we can redesign assessments of math fluency to provide teachers with better data and students with better learning.

Listen today and don’t forget to grab your MTL study guide to track key strategies and make the most of this episode!

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Season 6 of Math Teacher Lounge is here!

This season, we’ll be digging deep into math fluency—exploring what it is, looking into the research around it, and sharing practical tips for building it in math classrooms. Join us as we kick things off this week with Jason Zimba, Amplify’s chief academic officer of STEM!

In our first episode, we sat down with Jason to get a clear understanding of what math fluency is and what we really mean when we talk about it. As a prominent math advocate with many years of experience, he can also help us learn just how important fluency is and how it fits into the standards.

Listen today and don’t forget to grab your MTL study guide to track your learning and make the most of this episode!

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