Grade 6

Unit 1: Area and Surface Area

Lesson 2: Finding Area by Decomposing and RearrangingShapes on a Plane
Lesson 3: Reasoning to Find AreaLetters
Lesson 4: ParallelogramsExploring Parallelograms, Part 2
Lesson 5: Bases and Heights of ParallelogramsExploring Parallelograms, Part 1
Lesson 6: Areas of ParallelogramsOff the Grid, Part 1
Lesson 7: From Parallelograms to TrianglesTriangles and Parallelograms
Lesson 8: Areas of TrianlgeExploring Triangles
Lesson 10: Bases and Heights of TrianglesOff the Grid, Part 2
Lesson 11: PolygonsPile of Polygons
Lesson 15: More Nets, More Surface AreaRenata’s Stickers

Unit 2: Introducing Rations

Lesson 3: RecipesPizza Maker
Lesson 5: Defining Equivalent RatiosFruit Lab
Lesson 12: Navagating a Table of Equivalent RationsDisaster Preparation

Unit 3: Unit Rates and Percentages

Lesson 1: Anchoring Units of MeasureMany Measurements
Lesson 4: Comparing Speeds and PriceWorld Records
Lesson 5: Interpreting RatesSoft Serve
Lesson 6: Equivalent Ratios Have the Same Unit RatesWelcome to the Robot Factory
Lesson 8: Solving Rate ProblemsMore Soft Serve
Lesson 9: More about Constant SpeedModel Trains
Lesson 11: Representing Percentages with Double Number Line DiagramsLucky Duckies

Unit 4: Dividing Fractions

Lesson 4: How Many Groups? (Part 1)Flour Planner
Lesson 6: Using Diagrams to Find the Number of GroupsFill the Gap
Lesson 13: Rectangles with Fractional Side LengthsPuzzling Areas

Unit 5: Arithmetic in Base 10

Lesson 1: Using Decimals in Shopping ContextDishing Out Decimals

Unit 5: Arithmetic in Base 11

Lesson 2: Using Diagrams to Represent Addition and SubtractionDecimal Diagrams and Algorithms

Unit 5: Arithmetic in Base 12

Lesson 15: Making and Measuring BoxesMovie Time

Unit 6: Expressions and Equations

Lesson 1: Tape Diagrams and EquationsFive Equations
Weight for It
Lesson 3: Staying in BalanceHanging Around
Lesson 4: Practice Solving EquationsHanging It Up
Lesson 5: Represent Situations with EquationsSwap and Solve
Lesson 9: The Distributive Property: Part 1Products and Sums
Lesson 17: Two Related Quantaties, Part 2Subway Fares

Unit 7: Rational Numbers

Lesson 3: Comparing Positive and Negative NumbersOrder in the Class
Lesson 5: Using Negative Numbers to Make Sense in ContextMinimum Wage
Lesson 8: Writing and Graphing InequalitiesTunnel Travels

Unit 8: Data Sets and Distributions

Lesson 5: Using Dot Plots to Answer Statistical QuestionsMinimum Wage
Lesson 6: Interpreting HistogramsThe Plot Thickens
Lesson 11: Variability and MADHoops
Lesson 13: MedianToy Cars

Grade 7

Unit 1: Scale Drawing

Lesson 1: What are scaled copies?Scaling Machines
Lesson 2: Correspond Parts and Scale FactorsMake it Scale
Lesson 3: Making Scaled CopiesScaling Robots
Lesson 5: The Size of the Scale FactorScale Factor Challenges
Lesson 6: Scaling AreaTiles
Lesson 6: Scaling AreaWill It Fit

Unit 2: Introducing Proportional Relationships

Lesson 1: One of These Things is Not Like the OtherPaint
Lesson 5: Two Equations for Each RelationshipTwo and Two
Lesson 10: Introducing Graphs of Proportional RelationshipsDinoPops

Unit 3: Measuring Circles

Lesson 2: Exploring CirclesMeasuring Around
Lesson 7: Exploring the Area of a CircleWhy Pi?
Lesson 9: Applying Area of a CircleArea Challenges

Unit 4: Proportional Relationships and Percentages

Lesson 6: Increasing and DecreasingMosaics
Lesson 7: One Hundred PercentMore and Less
Back in My Day
Lesson 8: Percent Increase and Decrease with EquationsAll the Equations
Lesson 11: Percentage ContextsPercent Machines

Unit 5: Rational Number Arithmetic

Lesson 3: Changing ElevationFloats and Anchors
Lesson 5: Representing SubtractionMore Floats and Anchors
Lesson 6: Finding DifferencesDraw Your Own
Lesson 13: Expressions with Rational NumbersInteger Puzzles

Unit 6: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

Lesson 9: Dealing with Negative NumbersKeeping it True
Lesson 13: Reintroducing InequalitiesI Saw the Signs
Lesson 14: Finding Solutions to Inequalities in ContextUnbalanced Hangers
Lesson 15: Efficiently Solving InequalitiesShira the Sheep
Lesson 16: Interpreting InequalitiesBudgeting
Lesson 17: Modeling with InequalitiesWrite Them and Solve Them
Lesson 20: Combining Like Terms (Part 1)Collect the Squares

Unit 7: Angles, Triangles, and Prisms

Lesson 2: Adjacent AnglesFriendly Angles
Lesson 5: Using Equations to Solve For Unknown AnglesMissing Measures
Lesson 7: Building Polygons (Part 2)Can You Build It

Unit 8: Probability and Sampling

Lesson 1: Mystery BagsHow Likely
Lesson 3: What are Probabilities?Prob-bear-bilities
Lesson 4: Estimating Probabilities through Repeated ExperimentsIs It Fair?
Lesson 13: What Make a Good Sample?Crab Island

Grade 8

Unit 1: Rigid Transformations and Congruence

Lesson 1: Moving the PlaneTransformers
Lesson 2: Naming the MovesSpinning, Flipping, Sliding
Lesson 3: Grid MovesMoving Day
Lesson 4: Making MovesTransformation Golf
Lesson 5: Coordinate MovesGetting Coordinated, Part 1
Lesson 6: Describing TransformationsGetting Coordinated, Part 2
Lesson 16: Parallel Lines and Angles in a TrianglePuzzling It Out
Lesson 17: Rotate and TesselateTessellate

Unit 2: Dilations, Similarity, and Introducing Slope

Lesson 1: Projecting and ScalingSketchy Dilations
Lesson 3: Dilations with No GridDilation Mini Golf
Lesson 7: Similar PolygonsSocial Scavenger Hunt

Unit 3: Linear Relationships

Lesson 1: Understanding Proportional RelationshipsTurtle Time Trials
Lesson 5: Introductions to Linear RelationshipsFlags
Lesson 6: More Linear RelationshipsStacking Cups (Optional)
Lesson 8: Translating y=mx+bTranslations
Lesson 9: Slopes Don’t Have to Be PositiveWater Cooler
Lesson 10: Calculating SlopeUps and Downs

Unit 4: Linear Equations and Systems

Lesson 5: Solve Any Linear EquationEquation Roundtable
Lesson 12: Systems of EquationsMake Them Balance
Lesson 13: Solving Systems of EquationsLine Zapper

Unit 5: Functions and Volume

Lesson 1: Inputs and OutputsGuess My Rule
Lesson 5: More graphs of FunctionsTurtle Crossing
Lesson 6: Even More Graphs of FunctionsThe Tortoise and the Hare
Lesson 13: The Volume of a CylinderCylinders
Lesson 15: The Volume of a ConeCones

Unit 6: Associations and Data

Lesson 3: What a Point on a Scatter Plot MeansRobots
Lesson 4: Fitting a Line to DataDapper Cats
Lesson 5: Describing Trends in Scatter PlotsInterpreting Scatter Plots
Lesson 6: Slope of a Fitted LineFind the FIt (called Fit Fights in Desmos Math)
Lesson 7: Observing More Patterns in Scatter PlotsScatter Plot City
Lesson 8: Analyzing Bivariate DataInterpreting Slopes
Lesson 9: Looking for AssociationAnimal Brains
Lesson 10: Using Data Displays to Find AssociationFinding Associations

Unit 7: Exponents and Scientific Notation

Lesson 1: Exponent ReviewCircles
Lesson 6: What about Other Bases?Power Pairs
Lesson 12: Applicatios of Arithmetic with Powers of 10Balance the Scale
Lesson 13: Definition of Scientific NotationSpecific and Scientific (formerly Solar System)

Unit 8: Pythagorean Theorem and Irrational Numbers

Lesson 5: Square Roots on the Number LineRoot Down
Lesson 7: Finding Side Lengths of TrianglesTriangle Tracing Turtle
Lesson 11: Applications of the Pythagorean TheoremTaco Truck

Algebra 1


Unit 1: One Variable Statistics

Lesson 12: Standard DeviationFinding Desmo

Unit 2: Linear Equations and Systems

Lesson 4: Equations and Their SolutionsWorking Backwards
Solving Strategies
Same Position
Lesson 5: Equations and Their GraphsShelley the Snail
Five Representations
Lesson 6: Equivalent EquationsSubway Seats
Lesson 7: Explaining Steps for Rewriting EquationsVarious Variables
Lesson 12: Writing and Graphing Systems of Linear EquationsLizard Lines
Lesson 13: Solving Systems by SubstitutionShape It Up

Unit 3: Two Variable Statistics

Lesson 5: Fitting LinesCity Slopes
Penguin Populations
Lesson 6: ResidualsResidual Fruit
Lesson 7: Correlation CoefficientCorrelation Coefficient
City Data
Lesson 8: Using the Correlation CoefficientHow Hot Is It?
Lesson 9: Causal RelationshipsBehind the Headlines

Unit 4: Linear Inequalities and Systems

Lessons 4-6: Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two VariablesPizza Delivery
Lesson 7: Solutions to Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two VariablesQuilts
Seeking Solutions
Lesson 8: Solving Problems with Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two VariablesCarlos’s Fish

Unit 5: Functions

Lesson 1: Describing and Graphing SituationsCraft-a-Graph
Lesson 7: Using Graphs to Find Average Rate of ChangePlane, Train, and Automobile
Lesson 12: Piecewise FunctionsPumpkin Prices
Lesson 15: Inverse FunctionsChip the Robot

Unit 6: Introduction to Exponential Functions

Unit 7: Introduction to Quadratic Functions

Lesson 1: A Different Kind of ChangeRevisiting Visual Patterns, Part 1
Quadratic Visual Patterns
Lesson 10: Graphs of Quadratic Functions in Standard and Factored FormsOn the Fence
Stomp Rockets
Plenty of Parabolas
Two for One
Lesson 11: Graphing Quadratics from the Factored FormParabola Zapper
Shooting Stars
Lesson 14: Quadratic Graphs that Represent SituationsRobot Launch

Unit 8: Quadratic Equations

Lesson 2: When and Why Do We Write Quadratic Equations?Sorting Relationships
Lesson 12-14: Completing the SquareSquare Tactic
Lesson 24: Using Quadratic Equations to Model Situation and Solve ProblemsStomp Rockets in Space


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