Grade 6

Chapter 2: Fractions and Decimals

Big IdeasDesmos Classroom
Lesson 2: Dividing FractionsUnit 4
Lesson 3: Flour Planner
Lesson 4: Adding and Subtracting DecimalsUnit 5
Lesson 1: Dishing Out Decimals
Lesson 2: Decimal Diagrams and Algorithms
Lesson 5: Multiplying DecimalsUnit 5
Lesson 1: Dishing Out Decimals
Lesson 6: Dividing Whole NumbersUnit 5
Lesson 13: Movie Time
Lesson 7: Dividing DecimalsUnit 5
Lesson 13: Movie Time

Chapter 3: Ratios and Rates

Lesson 1: RatiosUnit 2
Lesson 1: Pizza Maker
Lesson 4: Fruit Lab
Lesson 8: Products and SumsTake Away (coming soon!)
Lesson 3: Using Ratio TablesUnit 2
Lesson 10: Disaster Preparation
Lesson 4: Graphing Ratio RelationshipsUnit 2
Lesson 10: Disaster Preparation
Lesson 5: Rates and Unit RatesUnit 3
Lesson 6: Soft Serve
Lesson 6: Converting MeasuresUnit 3
Lesson 1: Many Measurements

Chapter 4: Percents

Lesson 1: Percent and FractionsUnit 3
Lesson 9: Lucky Duckies
Lesson 2: Percent and DecimalsUnit 5
Lesson 2: Decimal Diagrams and Algorithms

Chapter 5: Algebraic Expressions and Properties

Lesson 2: Writing ExpressionsUnit 6
Lesson 8: Products and SumsTake Away (coming soon!)
Lesson 3: Properties of Addition and MultiplicationUnit 6
Lesson 8: Products and SumsTake Away (coming soon!)
Lesson 4: The Distributive PropertyUnit 6
Lesson 8: Products and SumsTake Away (coming soon!)

Chapter 6: Equations

Lesson 1: Writing Equations in One VariableUnit 6
Lesson 1: Weight for It

Chapter 7: Area, Surface Area, and Volume

Lesson 1: Areas of ParallelogramsUnit 1
Lesson 3: Exploring Parallelograms
Exploring Parallelograms, Part 2
Lesson 5: Surface Area of prismsUnit 1
Lesson 10: Renata’s Stickers

Chapter 8: Integers, Number Lines, and the Coordinate Plane

Lesson 1: IntegersUnit 7
Lesson 1: Can You Dig It?
Lesson 2: Comparing and Ordering IntegersUnit 7
Lesson 4: Order in the Class
Lesson 3: Rational NumbersUnit 7
Lesson 4: Order in the Class
Lesson 7: Writing and Graphing InequalitiesUnit 7
Lesson 7: Tunnel Travels

Chapter 9: Statistical Measures

Lesson 1: Introduction to StatisticsUnit 8
Lesson 3: Minimum Wage
Lesson 2: MeanUnit 8
Lesson 11: Toy Cars
Lesson 3: Measures of CenterUnit 8
Lesson 11: Toy Cars
Lesson 4: Measures of VariationUnit 8
Lesson 11: Toy Cars

Chapter 10: Data Displays

Lesson 2: HistogramsUnit 8
Lesson 5: The Plot Thickens
Lesson 4: Choosing Appropriate MeasuresUnit 8
Lesson 3: Minimum Wage
Lesson 11: Toy Cars

Grade 7

Chapter 1: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

Big IdeasDesmos Classroom
Lesson 1: Rational NumbersUnit 5
Lesson 1: Floats and Anchors
Lesson 2: Adding Integers
Lesson 4: Subtracting Integers
Unit 5
Lesson 4: Draw Your Own
Lesson 10: Integer Puzzles
Lesson 3: Adding Rational Numbers
Lesson 5: Subtracting Rational Numbers
Unit 5
Lesson 4: Draw Your Own
Lesson 10: Integer Puzzles

Chapter 2: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers

Lesson 1: Multiplying IntegersUnit 5
Lesson 10: Integer Puzzles

Chapter 3: Expressions

Lesson 1: Algebraic ExpressionsUnit 6
Lesson 10: Collect the Squares
Lesson 2: Adding and Subtracting Linear ExpressionsUnit 6
Lesson 10: Collect the Squares
Lesson 3: The Distributive PropertyUnit 6
Lesson 10: Collect the Squares

Chapter 4: Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 1: Solving Equations Using Addition or Subtraction
Lesson 2: Solving Equations Using Multiplication or Division
Unit 6
Lesson 16: Shira the Sheep
Lesson 4: Writing and Graphing InequalitiesUnit 6
Lesson 16: Shira the Sheep
Lesson 5: Solving Inequalities Using Addition or Subtraction
Lesson 6: Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication or Division
Unit 6
Lesson 16: Shira the Sheep
Lesson 7: Solving Two-Step InequalitiesUnit 6
Lesson 16: Shira the Sheep

Chapter 5: Ratios and Proportions

Lesson 1: Ratio and Ratio TablesUnit 2
Lesson 1: Paint
Lesson 3: Identifying Proportional RelationshipsUnit 2
Lesson 6: Two and Two
Lesson 3: Measuring Around
Lesson 5: Graphs of Proportional RelationshipsUnit 2
Lesson 8: Dino Pops

Chapter 6: Percents

Lesson 1: Fraction, Decimals, and PercentsUnit 4
Lesson 1: Mosaics
Lesson 4: Percents of Increase and DecreaseUnit 4
Lesson 5: Percent Machines
Lesson 12: Posing Percent Problems (coming soon!)
Lesson 5: Discounts and MarkupsUnit 4
Lesson 5: Percent Machines
Lesson 12: Posing Percent Problems (coming soon!)

Chapter 7: Probability

Chapter 8: Statistics

Lesson 1: Samples and PopulationsUnit 8
Lesson 10: Crab Island
Lesson 2: Using Random Samples to Describe populationsUnit 8 
Lesson 10: Crab Island
Lesson 3: Comparing Populations
Lesson 4: Using Random Samples to Compare Populations
Unit 8
Lesson 10: Crab Island

Chapter 9: Geometric Shapes and Angles

Lesson 1: Circle and CircumferenceUnit 3
Lesson 3: Measuring Around
Lesson 2: Areas of CirclesUnit 3
Lesson 9: Area Challenges
Lesson 5: Finding Unknown Angle MeasuresUnit 7
Lesson 4: Missing Measures

Grade 8

Chapter 1: Equations

Big ideasDesmos Classroom
Lesson 2: Solving Multi-Step EquationsUnit 4
Lesson 5: Equation Roundtable
Lesson 3: Solving Equations with Variables on Both SidesUnit 4
Lesson 5: Equation Roundtable

Chapter 2: Transformations

Chapter 3: Angles and Triangles

Lesson 2: Angles and TrianglesUnit 1
Lesson 12: Puzzling It Out
Lesson 4: Using Similar TrianglesUnit 2
Lesson 1: Sketchy Dilations
Lesson 2: Dilation Mini Golf

Chapter 4: Graphing and Writing Linear Equations

Lesson 1: Graphing Linear EquationsUnit 3 Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 2: Slope of a LineUnit 3 Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 3: Graphing Proportional RelationshipsUnit 3
Lesson 1: Turtle Time Trials
Lesson 4: Graphing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept FormUnit 3
Lesson 4: Flags

Chapter 5: Systems of Linear Equations

Lesson 1: Solving Systems of Linear Equations by GraphingUnit 4
Lesson 11: Make Them Balance
Lesson 12: Line Zapper

Chapter 6: Data Analysis and Displays

Lesson 1: Scatter PlotsUnit 6
Lesson 3: Robots
Lesson 2: Lines of FitUnit 6
Lesson 4: Dapper Cats
Lesson 3: Two-Way TablesUnit 6
Lesson 11: Finding Associations

Chapter 7: Functions

Lesson 1: Relations and FunctionsUnit 5
Lesson 1: Turtle Crossing
Lesson 2: Guess My Rule
Lesson 2: Representations of FunctionsUnit 5
Lesson 5: The Tortoise and the Hare

Chapter 8: Exponents and Scientific Notation

Lesson 1: ExponentsUnit 7
Lesson 3: Power Pairs
Lesson 2: Products of Powers PropertyUnit 7
Lesson 3: Power Pairs
Lesson 6: Scientific Notation
Lesson 7: Operations in Scientific Notation
Unit 7
Lesson 9: Specific and Scientific
Lesson 11: Balance the Scale

Chapter 9: Real Numbers and the Pythagorean Theorem

Lesson 1: Finding Square RootsUnit 8
Lesson 4: Root Down
Lesson 3: Finding Cube RootsUnit 8
Lesson 4: Root Down

Chapter 10: Volume and Similar Solids

Lesson 1: Volumes of CylindersUnit 5
Lesson 11: Cylinders
Lesson 2: Volumes of ConesUnit 5
Lesson 13: Cones

Algebra 1

Chapter 1: Solving Linear Equations

Lesson 1.1: Solving Simple EquationsWorking Backwards
Lesson 1.3: Solving Equations with Variables on Both SidesSolving Strategies
Same Position
Lesson 1.5: Rewriting Equations and FormulasSubway Seats
Various Variables

Chapter 2: Solving Linear Inequalities

Lesson 2.4: Solving Multi-Step InequalitiesPizza Delivery

Chapter 3: Graphing Linear Functions

Lesson 3.2: Linear FunctionsShelley the Snail
Lesson 3.5: Graphing Linear Equations in Slope Intercept FormFive Representations

Chapter 4: Writing Linear Functions

Lesson 4.4: Scatter Plots and Lines of FitCorrelation Coefficient
How Hot Is It?
City Slopes
Lesson 4.5: Analyzing Lines of FitPenguin Populations
Behind the Headlines
City Data
Residual Fruit
Lesson 4.6: Arithmetic SequencesMore Visual Patterns
Sequence Carnival
Lesson 4.7: Piecewise FunctionsPumpkin Prices

Chapter 5: Solving Systems of Linear Equations

Lesson 5.2: Solving Systems of Linear Equations by SubstitutionShape It Up
Lesson 5.4: Solving Special Systems of Linear EquationsLizard Lines
Lesson 5.7: Systems of Linear InequalitiesQuilts
Seeking Solutions

Chapter 6: Exponential Functions and Sequences

Lesson 6.3: Exponential FunctionsCarlos’s Fish
Lesson 6.6: Geometric SequencesMore Visual Patterns
Sequence Carnival

Chapter 8: Graphing Quadratic Functions

Lesson 8.1: Solving Systems of Linear Equations by SubstitutionCraft-a-Graph
Quadratic Visual Patterns
Lesson 8.4: Solving Special Systems of Linear EquationsOn the Fence
Stomp Rockets
Plenty of Parabolas
Robot Launch
Lesson 8.5: Systems of Linear InequalitiesParabola Zapper
Two for One
Shooting Stars
Lesson 8.6: Systems of Linear InequalitiesPlane, Train, and Automobile
Detroit’s Population, Part 1
Detroit’s Population, Part 2
Revisiting Visual Patterns, Part 1
Sorting Relationships

Chapter 9: Solving Quadratic Equations

Lesson 9.4: Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the SquareSquare Tactic
Lesson 9.5: Solving Quadratic Equations Using the Quadratic FormulaStomp Rockets in Space

Chapter 10: Radical Functions and Equations

Lesson 10.4: Inverse of a FunctionChip the Robot

Chapter 11: Data Analysis and Displays

Lesson 11.1: Measures of Center and VariationFinding Desmo


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