Achieve next-level literacy growth with a cohesive Science of Reading suite.

The Science of Reading programs in Amplify’s early literacy suite empower you to meet the dynamic needs of every student learning to read. Discover the programs that best fit your literacy priorities and how they work together for a seamless teaching and learning environment.

“There were other programs that claimed to be Science of Reading, but no other vendor provided the suite of products together. And that is what we were looking for. We did not want to be picking from here, picking from there. So from our perspective, [Amplify’s literacy suite] met our needs because it aligned and provided us the best suite of products. Hands down, we couldn’t find anybody else who touched that.”

Nicole Peterson, Director, PreK–8 Education

Sampson County Schools, North Carolina

A true Science of Reading early literacy suite for grades K–5

Amplify has combined the critical elements of a Science of Reading system of assessment, core curriculum, personalized learning, and intervention. Based on 20 years of experience with the Science of Reading, this complete system saves you time and aligns your literacy practices.

  • Assess with mCLASS®: A universal and dyslexia screener, powered by DIBELS® 8th Edition
  • Instruct with Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA)®: Core curriculum to build foundational skills and knowledge
  • Practice with Boost Reading: Personalized learning program to extend and reinforce core
  • Intervene with mCLASS Intervention: Staff-led Tier 2 and 3 intervention for intensive support

mCLASS assessment

Powered by DIBELS 8th Edition, mCLASS is a gold-standard universal and dyslexia screener, plus a progress monitoring tool, all in one. With this comprehensive tool, you have precise one-minute measures delivered one-on-one that give you the data you can trust to make informed instructional decisions.

Amplify CKLA core curriculum

mCLASS data informs instructional needs and identifies whole-class and small-group areas of focus.

mCLASS can replace Amplify CKLA’s benchmark assessments in K–2 and can identify appropriate Amplify CKLA instruction for small groups.

Boost Reading personalized learning

Boost Reading and mCLASS integrate to personalize student practice in targeted skill areas.

mCLASS data automatically places students at the appropriate Boost Reading starting point.

You can view student progress with side-by-side mCLASS and Boost Reading data.

mCLASS Intervention

mCLASS assessment identifies risk early on and places students in and out of mCLASS Intervention groups.

mCLASS progress monitoring data creates intervention groups and daily lesson plans for 10-day cycles.

Amplify CKLA core curriculum

Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) provides explicit, systematic foundational skills instruction combined with intentional knowledge building. Rich content spans topics in history, science, literature, and the arts to build deep background knowledge.

mCLASS assessment

Amplify CKLA instructs in the same critical literacy skills measured by mCLASS, aligning your assessment and core curriculum.

mCLASS can replace Amplify CKLA’s benchmark assessments in K–2 and can identify appropriate Amplify CKLA instruction for small groups.

Boost Reading personalized learning

Boost Reading reinforces skills learned in Amplify CKLA for which students need extra practice.

The programs are aligned through a shared foundational skills scope and sequence, and Boost Reading’s comprehension practice complements Amplify CKLA’s knowledge-building approach.

mCLASS Intervention

mCLASS Intervention allows you to support Tier 1 instruction to get at-risk readers on track.

mCLASS Intervention lesson plans extend skills learned in Amplify CKLA curriculum.

Phonological awareness and phonics focus complements Amplify CKLA’s Skills Strand.

Boost Reading personalized learning

Boost Reading is a highly adaptive personalized reading program that reinforces the core curriculum and supports enrichment, remediation, and intervention for each student in your classroom. Robust growth and proficiency reporting provides you with actionable insights into student development.

mCLASS assessment

Boost Reading and mCLASS integrate to personalize student practice in targeted skill areas.

mCLASS data automatically places students at the appropriate Boost Reading starting point.

You can view student progress with side-by-side mCLASS and Boost Reading data.

Amplify CKLA core curriculum

Boost Reading reinforces skills learned in Amplify CKLA for which students need extra practice.

The programs are aligned through a shared foundational skills scope and sequence.

Boost Reading’s comprehension practice complements Amplify CKLA’s knowledge-building approach.

mCLASS Intervention

Boost Reading and mCLASS Intervention together support intensive intervention for individuals and small groups.

The programs combine streamlined intervention lessons with an online practice component.

Small-group intervention can happen while other students practice independently in Boost Reading.

mCLASS Intervention

mCLASS Intervention is a Tier 2 and 3 targeted, staff-led intervention program made easy with automatic data-driven grouping and sequenced explicit, systematic skills lesson plans to support at-risk students.

mCLASS assessment

mCLASS assessment identifies risk early on and places students in and out of mCLASS intervention groups.

mCLASS benchmark and progress monitoring data creates groups and daily lesson plans for 10-day cycles.

Amplify CKLA core curriculum

mCLASS Intervention allows you to support Tier 1 instruction to get at-risk readers on track.

mCLASS Intervention lesson plans extend skills learned in Amplify CKLA instruction.

Phonological awareness and phonics focus complements Amplify CKLA’s Skills Strand.

Boost Reading personalized learning

Boost Reading and mCLASS Intervention together support intensive intervention for individuals and small groups.

The programs combine streamlined intervention lessons with an online practice component.

Small-group intervention can happen while other students practice independently in Boost Reading.

A 20% boost in literacy rates:

Our Science of Reading programs are helping Aldine Independent School District in Texas rewrite its literacy narrative.

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The cohesive early literacy system teachers and students deserve

Support your MTSS and RTI models

A strong Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) enables you to make data-based decisions and confidently meet every student’s needs. Our integrated early literacy suite includes universal and dyslexia screening, core curriculum, personalized learning, intervention, and ongoing professional development.

Each program in the suite is directly aligned to the Response to Intervention (RTI) model of tiered instruction.

Aligned resources that do away with piecemealing

A literacy ecosystem built on the same Science of Reading principles and pedagogical foundation ensures that students experience a cohesive and reinforced literacy journey. Our programs allow you to support all students without cobbling together additional resources to fill in the gaps.

They follow an explicit and systematic structure, build knowledge, and assess and instruct on all of the foundational skills essential to literacy development.

The data you need to make informed decisions

Our universal and dyslexia screening data is predictive and reliable, and it’s aligned to the entire instructional system. It enables you to make informed decisions for whole-group, small-group, and individual instruction, as well as resource allocation at the school and district level.

Amplify’s early literacy programs support you wherever you are in the Science of Reading journey. Download our Science of Reading roadmap to help you determine where to start.

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Our early literacy programs in action

Case study: Aldine Independent School District, Texas

Implementing Amplify CKLA core curriculum, Boost Reading personalized learning, and mCLASS assessment boosted reading proficiency from 30% to 50%

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Case study: Allen Parish School District, Louisiana

After just one year of integrating mCLASS assessment and Amplify CKLA core curriculum, Grade 1 student reading proficiency rose from 58% to 80% across eleven Title 1 schools

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Case study: West Jefferson Hills School District, Pennsylvania

Students reached the 98th percentile among their peers nationwide after implementing Amplify CKLA core curriculum, Boost Reading personalized learning, and mCLASS assessment. The shift not only inspired students in their literacy journey, but also made teachers feel more confident in teaching literacy.

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Science of Reading resources

Successfully adopting new Science of Reading literacy programs will change lives. We provide extensive resources, professional learning, and complementary events and webinars so you can begin using your new programs with fidelity.

Science of Reading essentials

Champion research-based literacy programs in your classroom with our extensive Science of Reading resources.

Science of Writing: A Primer

Unlock writing mastery! Explore our new primer on literacy research and the Science of Writing.

Cultivate lifelong learning

Gain useful knowledge with our top-rated podcast.

Staff development services

Invest in a professional development plan.

“[We wanted] something that moved kids beyond the traditional low-level type of thinking about literacy, reading, and engaging with text. The choice of Amplify became clear for our district. The tremendous professional support from Amplify, matched with the commitment of our people. We’re finally seeing something different, and the results are encouraging.”

Matthew Patterson, Ph.D., Assistant Superintendent

West Jefferson Hills School District , Pennsylvania

Passion for reading in Sampson County, NC

Mia and Grade 2 teacher Jenny Denning explored the power of the Amplify early literacy suite together.

Inspiring confidence in Tennessee

Kaleb and Assistant Principal Casey Price tackled reading from the ground up with Amplify’s early literacy programs.