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In the classroom, we’re continually looking out for our students and looking for ways to support their well-being and academic growth. But how often do we look at what we’re doing to take care of ourselves? And what does that look like for students and educators, having lived the past year and a half in a global period of stress during the pandemic?

Books have been some of my most meaningful companions … there’s a form of attachment that can occur between a reader and a story or a book that can actually be a safe space of refuge.

 — Ricky Robertson

In this episode, we join Susan Lambert as she talks to Ricky Robertson about building systems of support for students impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the educators who work with them. Ricky is an educator, author, and consultant who has worked with alternative and traditional schools. The episode focuses first on how teachers can prioritize their own self-care and why it is essential in order to care for students. Ricky then goes into explaining what ACEs are and the ways that fight, flight, freeze, and fawn responses can manifest in the classroom. Lastly, they go into explaining resilience and how routine and relationships help build a foundation for resilience — ending on a note of encouragement to educators that their investment is never wasted.

Listen Below!

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